OPST (Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics) Pure Skagit Fly Rods

Designed by legendary angler and skagit casting proponent, Ed Ward.

OPST (Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics) Pure Skagit
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OPST (Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics)
OPST (Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics)
Pure Skagit

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10' 8"

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OPST Pure Skagit 10'8" #6 - 4pc Switch Rod

Buy Now 939.99 $USD


Our Pure Skagit Rod line-up is definitively more focused towards traditional  Spey/Skagit-type two-handed casting. Represented by a 10’8” 6wt, an 11’ 7wt, an 11’6’ 8wt, and a 12'3" 9wt, they depart from our Micro Series in a few ways. The upper grips are double-welled and thus more aligned with contemporary two-handed rods under 12’, while the lower handles remain switch-style. These rods are also faster than the Micro series, being a true medium-fast action that casts off the upper third of the taper. This taper loads very well during the Sweep phase of the Skagit casting sequence and maintaining that load into the Forward Cast, with a very crisp final delivery. This rod line-up is targeted toward the fishing of large trout up to Canadian and Alaskan King Salmon.

  • More in line with contemporary two handed rods
  • Fully-Welled Upper Grips
  • Switch Style Lower Grips
  • Medium-Fast Action (Just a Smidge Faster Than The Micro Series)
  • REC Recoil Guides w/ Ceramic Inserts
  • Shorter Lengths Facilitate Compact Casting and Extra Sensitivity

 10'8" 6wt.- Ideal for large trout and bass, big streamers and distance
 11' 7wt.- Great for those smaller steelhead/salmon or XL trout/bass streamers and distance (popular for the Great Lakes and Southern Oregon).
 11'6" 8 wt.-Perfect all around steelhead/salmon rod. Enough power to feel comfortable anywhere in the lower 48.
 12'3" 9wt.- This rod screams kings, monster steelhead, and huge distances.  

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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