Sage Salt R8 Fly Rods

Saltwater Specific / Fast Action

Sage Salt R8
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Salt R8

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Sage SALT R8 9' 6wt 4pc Fly Rod

Buy Now 1,490.00 $USD



Most salt rods are built for pure power and ultimate strength - that is table stakes for the venue and the discipline. With our new R8 graphite, adding 25% more strength-per-weight was the easy part - a simple function of material advancement - but one that also increased the fight in the rod even down to our six-weight. We increased the pure pulling power without the need to add more material, fillers or reinforcement. The outcome is simple, providing the ability for faster landing times and reducing fish stress and catch-and-release pressure on ever so delicate ecosystems.

More strength and fight were an obvious upgrade, yet few salt rods, especially in the heavier weights, achieve the importance of feel for fine touch shots and precise presentations. Shaping a taper that brought this increased touch into the equation took more time. Yet after a long residence in the birthplace of saltwater fly fishing, and working directly with the experienced guides there, our rod designers found the right profile and fiber alignment that delivered strength, fine touch presentations, and a more intuitive sweet spot to a class of rods that have long had a reputation as unwieldy, unforgiving and difficult. With the SALT R8, gone are the days of sacrificing the feel and touch in your saltwater rod.

  • 25% Greater Strength Per Rod
  • More Intuitive Sweet Spot and Touch
  • Saltwater Specific Guide Set
  • Heavy-Duty Reel Seat

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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