Pro SportFisher Flexi Needles Fly Tying Materials

Very simple and easy to use tube adapter

Pro SportFisher Flexi Needles
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Pro SportFisher
Pro SportFisher
Flexi Needles

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A perfect example of a well thought out unique design and high level of craftsmanship that fits our "keep it simple" philosophy. No screws or other mechanical locking mechanisms, just a high quality tempered carbon steel needle groud flat on both sides to give locking edges that will keep any Pro Sportfisher tube, or any other tube for that matter in a firm grip, and still be easy to remove when the fly is tied. The Pro Tube needles fit all fly tying vices, and this combined with a very low weight is why the Pro Sportfisher tube needles are the reference tool for serious fly tyers across the globe and have been for the past decade.

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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