Hardy Marksman Fly Rods

Truly hits the mark to be deemed "perfect"

Hardy Marksman
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Hardy Marksman 10' #4 4pc Fly Rod

Buy Now 1,386.00 $USD


In the fluid environment that we ply our craft, the demands are ever changing. Few days truly hit the mark to be deemed "perfect" although it can be argued that any day spent by water is perfect enough. When we fish, the demands we place on little more than a couple of ounces of carbon fibre are considerable, we expect featherlight touch and feel in close, backbone enough to drive a long, fast and accurate loop but with the durability to fight and land that fish of the day, season or even a lifetime. The new Hardy Marksman has been designed, developed and tested with this incredibly varied challenge in mind. A strong, yet considerably lighter blank has been matched with an all new reel seat that further accentuates the weight reduction and promotes an almost weightless in hand feel. Fitted with titanium guides and dressed in a subtle non-flash golden olive, its understated looks hide a capability that needs to be experienced. Designed and developed in Alnwick England during Hardy's 150th year our new flagship rod "The Marksman" truly hits the mark to be deemed "perfect".

  • Sintrix FLT applied to an updated mandrel design
  • Significantly reduced overall weight
  • Ceramic lined titanium framed stripper guides
  • Titanium recoil intermediate snake guides
  • Light weight & secure custom designed reel seat
  • Aluminum section stoppers
  • Supplied in Hardy aluminum rod tube
  • Rod of choice for the widest range of conditions

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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