Hardy Ultralite NSX DH Fly Rods

"Two Hands are Better than One"

Hardy Ultralite NSX DH
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Ultralite NSX DH

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Hardy Ultralite NSX DH 11'3" 3wt 4pc

Buy Now 1,349.95 $USD


The old saying, "two hands are better than one" could have been invented for the Salmon and Steelhead angler, but there's never been more ways to catch fish with a two-handed set-up than today. All anglers, including Trout and saltwater, are discovering the inbuilt advantages of the "long rod". The ability to cast heavy-wind resistant flies for great distances with ease, and more importantly, control them when they reach the target, has opened up new possibilities. The new, comprehensive range of Ultralite two-handed rods bring increased levels of feel, in-hand balance, and all-important fish fighting power when you need it most.


  • Sintrix NSX construction
  • Application specific action design
  • Ceramic lined titanium recoil guides
  • Aluminum and Carbon custom reel seat
  • Supplied in a hard travel tube

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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