Royal Wulff Triangle Taper Spey Fly Lines & Accessories

65-80 ft Taper

Royal Wulff Triangle Taper Spey
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Royal Wulff
Royal Wulff
Triangle Taper Spey

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Royal Wulff Triangle Taper Salmon/Spey - TTSP-10-ST - 14' Sink Tip/80ft Taper, 120ft

Regular: 110.00
Buy Now 45.00 $USD


The Triangle Taper is a continuous forward taper in the head of the line, which provides the most efficient transfer of casting energy as the line unrolls because heavier line is constantly turning over lighter line. The heaviest part of the line is alwasy farthest from the fish and the lightest part presents the fly with minimum disturbance. Ideal for roll casting, mending and distance.

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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