Scott G-Series Fly Rods

Not Just A Reintroduction - A Reinvention

Scott G-Series
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Scott G-Series Freshwater Fly Rod 9' 0", 4-piece, 6wt

Buy Now 1,230.00 $USD


Scott G Series are iconic fly rods. They’re medium action, smooth flexing fly rods treasured by anglers the world over.

Scott introduced the first G rods in 1976, and changed fly fishing by creating the first 9’ 4 weight fly rod. We also introduced the world to the hollow internal ferrule-the most sophisticated way to connect multi-piece fly rods in a smooth and seamless fashion.

In 2006, we introduced the G2 series and modernized medium-action fly rods by making them lighter in hand and increasing their recovery speed.

Now, we bring you the all new G Series. These rods advance medium action fly rods with two innovations. We’ve reinvented the hollow internal ferrule to make it more flexible, stronger, and more than 20% lighter. We’ve also combined our cutting edge fiber and resin systems in the most advanced multi-modulus layups we’ve ever created. New multi-slope tapers were designed to take full advantage of the new materials layups.

The results are rods that help solve one of the toughest challenges in medium action fly rod design-how to create a rod that both bends deeply and remains stable. New G Series rods balance lighter in hand, have much more stability through the middle of the rod for better tracking, and generate higher line speeds. They do all this while retaining the classic flex of your favorite medium action rods.

We’re bringing together presentation and power, so now you can pull hard on 7X tippet AND fish in the wind. The all new G Series. Like no other.

Brings together X-Core with a new complex materials and taper system to dramatically increase recovery speed.

Enhanced feel, incredible stability, and unequalled performance. X-Core combines the industry’s most advanced composite technologies with cutting-edge design.

Enhanced resin uses new chemistry to create stronger bonds between each fiber.

Fine-tuned flex and recovery.

Advanced Reinforced Carbon reduces torque and increases strength.

Built from beginning to end in Montrose, Colorado.

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50% 10
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75% 9
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75% 9
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25% 8

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