Bridge Outfitting WinterTide Fly Lines & Accessories


Bridge Outfitting WinterTide
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Bridge Outfitting
Bridge Outfitting

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Bridge Wintertide Spey Line - 10/11 - 36' - 650gr

Buy Now 109.99 $USD


Winter and late Fall Steelheading doesn’t always involve dragging bottom, tungsten impregnated sink tips and six inch rabbit strip flies. For those who enjoy their cold weather Steelhead fishing with finesse we offer our Wintertide Shooting Head Spey Line. The Wintertide will handle tips to approximately 100 grains at up to 15 foot lengths with small to moderate sized flies, and is as at home with touch and go casts as it is with sustained anchors. If your Fall or Winter Steelheading involves coastal or interior rivers where the fish reside in shallow runs, riffles, and broad tailouts the Wintertide is an ideal tool for the job. 


5 / 6 - 26 FEET - 400 GRAINS

6 - 27 FEET - 425 GRAINS

6 / 7 - 28 FEET - 450 GRAINS

7 - 29 FEET - 475 GRAINS

7 / 8 - 30 FEET - 500 GRAINS

8 - 31 FEET - 525 GRAINS

8 / 9 - 32 FEET - 550 GRAINS

9 - 33 FEET - 575 GRAINS

9 / 10 - 34 FEET - 600 GRAINS

10 - 35 FEET - 625 GRAINS

10 / 11 - 36 FEET - 650 GRAINS

  • Warranty

    Rating Level: 50%
  • Action

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Craftsmanship

    Rating Level: 75%
  • Value

    Rating Level: 25%

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